Research Projects


Master’s Thesis

I received my Master’s of Science in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky in 2021. My thesis studied the use of machine learning to procedurally generate levels for a roguelike game where players were influenced, but not forced to experience a predefined series of events.

Roots of the Ancients (Capstone Project)

Proto-Indo European language game where my team and I were tasked with creating an asynchronous combat system.

Beat Bot

While in grad school, I wanted to study how AI could create hip-hop/rap beats. Using MIDI files of melodies with their accompanying drums, Beat Bot generated drums to accompany a test set of new MIDI melodies.


Emergent AI narrative where agents create a story by telling rumors about the other townsfolk motivated by their interpersonal relationships and feelings toward one another.

Infinite Runner + ML

In my senior year of my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, I studied how machine learning could be applied to an infinite runner type game by gauging the player’s skill and generating platforms that matched that skill level and aimed to help the player improve at the game.